Exam Day
Written by Abed Osman on November, 14, 2014.

Students who take STNA classes in Columbus Ohio have been sent home by the D&S exam evaluator after arriving to take their STNA state exam in non-clinical attire. The nurse evaluator is NOT affiliated with Alia Healthcare Services in any way, we are simply hosting the location at which to test for the convenience of students.
At Alia Healthcare, we inform all of our instructors of the day, evening, night, and weekend STNA training program to communicate to their students that they must be in clinical attire when arriving to take the skills and/or written or portion of their STNA state examination. Some students have the mistaken notion that they are required to be in uniform only if they have to take the skills portion of the test where in fact they must be in uniform for the written part as well�even if it�s the only part that they�re taking. This is stated on the D&S Diversified postcard sent to each student when confirming their state test date.
Each student, prior to arriving at the examination site, should thoroughly read this postcard in its entirety. If you find yourself in this unfortunate scenario you will have to repay and reschedule for the part of the test for which you had originally scheduled. We strongly urge schools that teach STNA classes in Columbus Ohio and CNA classes in other parts of the US to advise their students of the rules accordingly so that their students are not left in this unfortunate situation.